Thoughts on the MFA Program from a Grad School Dropout
Outside of my few close friends and family, I don’t talk much to anyone about dropping out of the MFA Program. I think part of that is because I’m afraid some people will think I didn’t have “what it takes” to stick it out, or they will think that I’m just bad-mouthing the Program. On the contrary, I left the Program after much contemplation and, honestly, praying. It was not an easy or flighty choice. It was one I made to better myself as a writer. It probably wasn’t until my final year in undergrad that I decided I would apply to the MFA Program. It took me close to ten years to get my undergrad degree because I took a few years off from school to save money. Then when I got close to the end, I swore up and down I would never go back for more school. One day, that just changed. I applied and was accepted to a Program. Receiving that acceptance email was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. I had a hard time fitting in with most of the other students in my first year, ...